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Excuse me Professor

I don't want to be like this Creature,

The one who is weak,


A rabble Rowser,

(Not in the good way)

A disruptor...

But most of all,


Lessons taught learned behavior.

Not how to be,

But rather,

Not To Be.

That is the answer.

To see how formed particles live-

Unloved and ostracized,

Does not make me gravitate closer towards still

I despise that sector,

To the core.

Seems a bit revealing to admit,

When all that should be,

Is love.


I can Not.

See soft,

For what has been revealed.

Not of what truly is,

But the mask presented to hide behind

Cunning, and appealing,

When convenient

Only then,

For someone else,

But not of own,

Who never were,

His own.

So long to one, two,


Not mine.

You see.

A competition of sorts,

First rate,

To see who is sadder,

And will get there still.


And for all.

A position held,

Fit for a king.

That posture,

I have never known.


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