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Get out them trunks...

Updated: Jul 11, 2019

Hawaii is 3 days out.

Like clock work-

I'm about due for some pre travel stressors.


Ever the procrastinator.

8 minutes abs - 3 days straight. check

Salads - two days in a row. check

Back wax and compression socks. check. check...

Say hello to my little...

.....varicose veins.

I've been to Hawaii. Once.

I was underwhelmed.

I spent hours inside my shitty hotel room watching the Casey Anthony trial.

Youthful smiles shimmered gold encrusted teeth

Revealing a secret...

The jacuzzi bubbles were jetted by clown kids farts.

Packed beaches. Scorching sun.

Where was my pamphlet?

The gorgeous utopian dream vacation I was promised?

This is all an illusion.

Maybe I'm mis remembering.

I did the things. Snorkeling. Fishing. Hiking. Golfing.

Mai Tai's, Darts, Eggs Benedict.

We even got so drunk we were chased outside

learning we were about to dine & dash on our all you can eat buffet tab,

fully sure we had pre-paid for,

moments before hopping into our taxi -

to go just around the corner.

(I'm still not sure this wasn't a scam paraded by the locals, but, whatever)

Saki. Sushi. Check.

Still something was missing.

Where was my bliss?

This wasn't what I had somehow signed up for.

We were supposed to stay in a friends home.

Plans changed the night before we headed out.

Determined to have a remarkable island retreat,

We foraged on. Dynamics altered. Had I adjusted?

Accepted our new now.

In our rented island Jeep, we were on our way.

What more could I have wanted?

What was I missing??

Unmet expectations,

set in stone pallets of my mind

a challenge to exceed.

A picture perfect paradise awaits?

Perhaps, a chance I'll be pleasantly surprised

Same time - Next week.


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