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I easily find myself

Updated: Apr 12, 2019

Her version ^

Mine: Twelve years ago on this day, we were together.

I recall two smoothies in my center cup holder.

I shifted into 3rd gear, both popped out and landed in my lap as I entered the 101 North. Cold. Wet. Gooey.

We arrived at the Hilton by Universal Studios,

where I dropped her off for our training.

She opened the door expecting me to join...

To which I abruptly pointed out

"...You don't know what is happening in my pants right now."

She laughed hysterically.

I was pissed.

At the time, I couldn't comprehend what a funny moment this was.

I dropped her off and headed back home to shower,

and collect myself before meeting back up with her later that afternoon.

Having her out here for that period of time was both the best and worst. I love my free time, my solitude. Stillness allows me to remain calm and gather my thoughts. My mother popping around the corner poking her head out my door looking for me as I walked my around the block for a few moments of alone time--Irritated the shit out of me.

But it was also the best.

We embarked on a journey together. Our communication with each other blossomed in a new way as a result of this experience. I didn't want to do this stupid course. I decided to show up with her, because it was something she flew out from Virginia to attend & was interested in. I brought, headphones and a book to ward off boredom. Within minutes I was hooked. Our lives changed for the better, during this time.

We were always close, both in spirit and in energy.

It bugged me at times. I thought she ws trying to be like me.

Such a silly girl...

Just a few weeks later, Momma took a trip down to Mexico, where our dear friend offered up a place for her to stay a bit.

I went down to visit.

The second day we were there,

I met my dogs. Harper and Marlow.


The moment above, Momma so accurately captured, was the beginning of a new chapter.

I loved that tiny unit she stayed in above the garage tucked behind the house on Carlos Ave. She created her future moments beautifully. Time & Time again.

It was perfect. May 29, 2007

Schrödinger's cat.


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