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Inside Looking Out

It’s on my doorstep & in the hallway

The ticking tick tock of time passing by.

I miss the days of clean clothes and sunshine, when looking up was a new mantra not the whole of darkness opened to a pin drop of light which once lit aspirations. A space which prompted fulfilments of dreams, where full glasses spilled of excess voyage. No limits on price tags and hope still has air.

And lightness from the sun rays

Never quite get hot enough to scorch you. When patience was an option

Not just a challenge of surrender. Compadres never go to far gone and time continues its patient slumber,

Etching ever closer to the shore.

I miss the could Be’s & What if‘s of wonderments-

Before reality taught the heavy burden

Of understanding that pain and mortality are lifetimes certainty,

And the strongest still have silent motives to steadfastly carry on. In spite of all these lifetimes stumbles a promise to simply find the stillness in a full breath never certain. Nothing given. Except the truth of inside looking out.


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