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Comes With Tiger Tail

Updated: May 28, 2021

"Pass the Sunscreen would you please"

Maggie mumbles to mother.

The women sitting,

Each in their own worn beach chairs,

Thin stick backs, up against the Recreational Vehicle,

That hasn't moved in years.

Wind dust hilltops blown up against the wheels.

Faded and shaded from the sharp shine refelction.

They breath in hot air,

Short soft contained movements.

Maggie tosses the tube towards her,

"SPF 50"

Helen lets it fall gently to her feet.

Blue painted weeks old toe nails,

Displayed atop the artificial green grass rug mat,

Which has lightly melted into the hot brown Earth,

Just in the weeks past since they've been there.

Maggie digs back to her book

Audrey Hepburn's Biography Enchantment.

The sun is warm,

Just past siesta.

A glass of water sounds glorious.

Cool and wet, clean and sharp

One sip to reinvigorate the senses.

"What would you like to do tomorrow?" Helen asks.

"Beach day" Replies Maggie looking up from her book taking in the parking lots stillness.

Their dry plot of vacation land.

Everyday of the simple same.

Predicted scenery.

"Let's go swimming"

More days like yesterday, finding monotony in their surroundings.

The purest way to pass a day.

In silence with your true dear sweet best friend.

So entwined to each other

There is no need to speak of knowing,

Where beginnings reside,

And the release in wondering what the end may one day look like,

A long long time from here.

Life's greatest days go untold,

By those unable to be trapped inside a sentence.

Before Posting, Brand, or Content,

Even became a thing.

Maggie looks to her Mother with a boredom she can't hide,

Longing for these endless days be spent

with her Lover rather than Mother,

Her one true love.

This imaginary person...

Who would light up even the dullest of days.

He would appreciate this.

As Maggie stares into the mirage on her horizon,

She weaves light cloud dreamscape pondering.

We would drink margaritas,

And fall asleep under the stars,

After making sound sweet love.

What a Perfect day it would be.

A lifetime of Perfect Days


As a truck roles into Maggies daydream,

She is snapped back to present,

Their host and friend Stephanie pulling to a stop,

Dust ball rolling in,

She hops out of her pick-up,

Waves a passing hello,

And cranks open the bed of her Truck,

Maggie puts her book down, and moves to greet her host

"Good day."

Stephanie has been known to be quite the neighbor

It's her custom to drop off fresh local produce, or an extra Torta here & there,

Passing by our way, Before heading home,

She often stopped for a quick hello,

Quite the generous ex-Pat.

She exudes Peace with the easy decision she made to walk away.

Helen is up too, and heads to greet their friend.

Before arriving,

Maggie can hear her mothers frustrations slip,

Just in the slightest intonation change,

Of a quicker deeper breath.

"Oh no" Helen slurs, unable to hide the irritation washing over her.

Their pro rated vacation, just seemed to issue a chore.

In the bed of the truck,

Tucked happily inside a crate,

Much to large for them alone,

Wiggled these two, mangy pups.

One Caramel with hints of black eye liner,

The other Blonde, adorned with a bashful white shield chested.

Couldn't have been more that 6 weeks old.

They already had scars,

To speak of.

If they could only reveal, where they've been,

In these last few harrowed short weeks.

They would tell a sordid tale.

Without ever really deciding,

This is the moment,

Maggie met her two young compadres.


And her new - Best Friends.

Helen knew it too.

And could not hide her disdain.

They were going to be,

A lot of work.



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