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Updated: May 4, 2020

I will continue to stress

As I progress

This is my process,

What works best for me.

I've discovered,

Information which best helps evoke change is,

Education, Exposure & Awareness,

These key elements

Have fueled my decision

Putting me

On the path of

Waste Reduction.

Being an Environmentalist,

By no means

Fully defines,

Who I am


It is a primary driving force,

Which strongly permeates to help


Articulate My izness.

I was born in a Log Cabin,

My mom built,

I learned how to drive-

In a Landfill,

And my middle name-

Azura = Blue Skies...


Here I am.

Ghetto Granola


If I had to wait for things to be perfect-

I'd never get anything done.

Thus -

"Personalized Not Perfected"

Mom & I would sign off our conversations-

"Have a perfect day"

In that

Was an understanding,


Was not beauty,

Dotted i'or crossed t's,

Nor sunshine and rainbows

With bunnies kissing our toes.

It was simply,

An Ease in understanding,

Whatever happens


As it should be,

An opportunity

To practice finding lightness

In this whole big wide World

With all the nuance

That makes it




I fall,

I fail

And enjoy

Finding freedom

In all of that.

After I sometimes,

Beat myself

I'm able to see life's



Bumps &


As a part of the rollercoaster


The Artistry.

My mom was a bit of a Renaissance lady.

She was good at everything she did,

And could fix anything.

A cut,

A hem,

An Essay,

A heartache.

It used to bother me,

Or rather,


Encourage patience,

I would watch her get excited,

By the next grand endeavor.

(Because she could do it all)

And I loved that about her.

What has been left behind,

Articles of her presence,

I have picked up,

And made my own.

These are gifts

She has bestowed to me.

The typewriter I use


Fabric in masks

String for labels

Sewing Machine





...Hers, hers, hers...

I surround myself in her,

To move thru this World

So she can continue to see me.

To say 'everything I do is for her',

Seems such a simplistic nod.

It is actually

So much larger than that.

Everything I do

Is an expression

Of the gratitude for

This life I have,

That she was the conduit of

Into which

All is possible-

For me.

And this journey,

This business,

My business-

A means to marry

My Eco-Conscious Mindset,

With her everlasting presence

To honor her

Is an absolute joy

For me

To Share

With You.

The vision-

My Five Year Plan

Is local Farmers Markets.

On site Repairs,

Shop local,

Small batch,

Locally sourcing Ethical,



Without the need to be shipped.

(Los Angeles is a blessing in this sense)

Raw Materials,

Massaged into

"Products w/ a Purpose"

My goal is to create a space,

To supply Products by means of





Using Ethically Sourced Materials.


*Current circumstances excluded*

We are in extraordinary times,

Of a Pandemic,

Unaware what a lot looks like,

On the other side.

We acclimate,


At any given time

In a myriad of ways.

Because there is no exact science

No straight line,

Black and White



For Lifes trajectory.

Zero Waste may not be realistic for many,

Try as I might,

I am no where close,

It would be ideal,

But require

A complete overhaul

Of my current living situation.


People do it- And

Waste Reduction IS possible,

Applying a few adjustments,

Is attainable for many.

I use to think that consumers

Drove Commerce thru Purchasing Power,

Which is true,

To some extent,

But without support from legislation,

Large scale,

Ecological Enlightenment

Towards a Paradigm shift,

On a massive scale

Just seems a bit unrealistic.

The supply and demand chain will not prioritze

Ecological options,

Until it becomes

Economically incentivized.

In my experience being Eco Conscious

Does not coincide with

Being elite,

Or privileged.

That is an easy sell,

A pretty picture.

We need to remember

But a lot of Whole Foods Shoppers,

May disagree.


Water is free,

But what we are being sold

Is the packaging.

What are you buying?

Thinking needs to shift.

Any 'normal' day shopping trip for me,

Seems like a Pokemon game challenge.

I try to find items taking an extra moment,

To broaden my scope by scanning products-

Opting rather for glass, than plastic

Seeking containers which can be









This is by no means a template for a perfect system

100% success rate.

I'd rather steal a Heinz 57 jar of ketchup from a restaurant

Than buy a $1.99 Plastic Squeeze bottle,

Leaving us without ketchup for 6 weeks,

Cause I couldn't bring myself to cave...

I am not perfect.

I take a glance to my kitchen counter,

And quickly easily see 5 plastic containers,

(Which have been around for a while)

Or are deal breakers with my boyfriend.

Paprika, Red Vines, Coffee Creamer, Vitamins.


We all have different priorities.


I understand there are way bigger battles to fight.

So at this point in my life,

I am specifically focused on items

In which-

I have a choice.

Waste reduction

Is no straight line,

No perfect science,

There is no need to

Be exact or shamed

For choices-

We are HUMAN

Priorities shift on any given day

In this modern active

Fast paced lifestyle.

It can be easy to get overwhelmed,

So more importantly

Be kind,

To yourself,

To each other,

To this Beautiful Planet

Purchasing Priorities (For Me)

Go something like this-





*Cost and health are on a sliding scale depending*

But container often sweeps.


Ringing Pretty True Inspiring and Driving Me Right Now


Destiny is A Choice Not Chance

By: Drew McElhare

A sweeping persuasive speech

Coupled with

Henry David Thoreau

"I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings. In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”


Have a perfect Day


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