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Shade to Shadow

Just Go.

Make a decision, and move forward.

She said to herself, over and over and over again.

More often than not, Maggie was riddled with indecision,

Which made forward progress, difficult.

To an outsider looking in,

She appeared to have an aire about her,

Confident, self assured, definitive,

But the truth is,

Her wildly bold moves oft made,

Were born of a well defined blind track gut leap tactic

Time tested & honed to combat,

Her paralyzing layers of uncertainty.

Somewhere in the milieu of bated breaths, and backtracking,

Was a calm flowing river of trust,

Steadily, patiently, consistently,

Silently - rumbling.

Carrying her safely from inlet to alcove,

Where she could once again take a moment; Catch her breath, recharge, asses, and reacclamate.

Cascading now past mounds of worry piled High upon timber,

Maggie floated freely netting trickled drops of strength to lightly carry on.


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