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The teacher of my mother, a Teacher, is also My Teacher. Glowing Memories By:Prem Rawat

Updated: Apr 20, 2019

Such a beautiful reminder. Often times I cringe against the progress of technology. So much noise. We are constantly bombarded by the outside churn, it has become more and more difficult to quiet the buzz. People are expected to be available-at all times. In our hands we hold a key to News, pop culture, politics, travel, announcements, cute puppy videos etc., etc., etc. Even if we have a choice when to pick up our tiny computers there it is a ringing, chiming, banner *NOTIFICATION*... Stillness can be so rare these days. "Hey you!!! Yeah you"...You're missing...something....

However, sometimes a notification is exactly what is needed-a snap to still and find the quiet. The message does not discriminate delivery options. A float of a leaf, a cool breeze, a trumpeting car horn, or other-like today. I was surprised. A reminder. So articulate, for the words that have left me. Working outside in the garden, I listened. A beautiful sentiment which made the undemanding act of turning compost into nutrient rich soil-So so perfect. I have always felt very connected to the simplicity & truth in the message, by Prem Rawat. Grateful today for technology. An app somehow slowed me down to hear some beauty that seems so far away. Thank you Timeless Today. While it may seem counterintuitive, apparently today this is exactly the way I needed to be reached.


For more information on Prem Rawat visit


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