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Women's World Cup Soccer

Updated: Jul 11, 2019

Congratulations to the World Champions with a nod to Megan Rapinoe after Sunday's World Cup Championship performance in France beating the Netherlands 2-0 7/7/19

Who am I?

Looking at these Women


I stand both proud and hopeful.

Proud of the unabashed strength and determination it takes to become the best.

Hopeful this moment triumphs in it's rightful piece of evolution.

These women, have earned their celebration,

the get to choose how it is presented

in whatever form that looks like, because-

the World has never seen it before.

They are creating their now,

leaving a stamp for all generations to witness.

The joy is loud.

The chants perhaps will dim to tinder sparks-

only to be reignited the next time fire roars,

But this moment held high is theirs, earned.

Standing on a platform,


making clear

a turning point is on the precipice.

Will they face some backlash?


Is there fear in the thought of that?

-Absolutely not.



Their bodies sculpted.

Their play formed.

Their connection recognizable.

Living long enough to see this moment,

makes me excited for what is yet to come.

For this sport.

For women.

For humanity.

Some may not honor the significance.

Think it silly or unnecessary.

But I am grateful-

hard work has earned this platform,

and I honor these women who shine so brightly on.

Keep up the good work people.

You are an inspiration.

We are the champions.

Equality will triumph on.


Video Credit-YouTube

"We have to collaborate, it takes everybody"

-Megan Rapinoe


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